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Old 2005-07-26, 10:12 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Re: Report all ratio issues here

mountaindew - The logging out part is probably due to clearing cookies/cache on your end or maybe it's just a glitch. I doubt BT had anything to do with it. If it happens continually though, let us know and we'll see if we can figure out what's causing it.

As for the partially updated stats, I'm not sure how that could happen. I just started using Azureus and only downloaded one show so far and it went very well - all stats were accurately recognized by the tracker. I've read about others getting only partial stats recognized and I'm wondering if it's not something to do with closing/reopening the client. I think I saw a setting in Azureus about how often to update the tracker. Maybe that was set to too long of a period and it hasn't updated the last part yet? Also, try right-clicking a torrent in your queue, then click on "Show Details", and then hit the "Update Tracker" button. Maybe that'll help.

As I get more experience with Azureus, I'll be better able to help.
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