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Old 2022-01-23, 03:23 PM
nebben123 nebben123 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2019
Add recording type (e.g. SBD, AUD) to RSS feed titles

Is there some way to add the recording type to the RSS feed? Surely?

Since the feed is truncated for each listing, and not every show will manually list the recording type at the top of the notes (or even in the notes at all) --- it's frequently (more than 50%) impossible to tell if a show is FM, SBD, AUD, etc without going to the website. This is really inconvenient.

It would be great if this info was in the RSS title of each post, like this:

[AUD] AC/DC 1979-11-11 Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium (FLAC)

Because the description notes show only this in the RSS:

Brussels, Vorst Nationaal, Belgium

Cassette trade somewhere in 1986/87>TDK 90 Cassette tape (unknown generation)>JVC cassette deck>Audacity>Hard disc (wave)>Cd wave editor (track splitting)>Trader little helper>Flac fronted level 8

Below average audio, but good energy of the"

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