Thread: trojan?
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Old 2006-03-26, 09:06 PM
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Re: trojan?

Originally Posted by feralicious
How do you clear one off your Bios? I might have one in there.

When I reformatted and went to load Windows off a disk my friend gave me I got a message from some AV software company that said I had a boot virus, didn't say anything about how to fix it, had a website on the message. I visited the website and it's an anti-virus software site and gave no instructions on what to do and I still don't understand how/why I got that message off a Windows disk for a newly formatted drive. I don't know where that Windows came from, it could very well have been a pirated version, maybe it was just advertising?

In any case I wouldn't mind checking further into the situation since I'm planning on doing another fresh install of Windows.
Nina, I'd get with the manufacturer and see if they have any insight as to how to clear the BIOS of any viruses. It's not something you want to mess around with unless you have a manufacturer's tech guy (or manual) telling you step by step how to do it...a lot of the times it's as easy as moving a few jumpers around but if you get the wrong can have a big mess.

inside-eye: BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System or Basic Integrated Operating System. It's the program on your motherboard that boots the computer up and starts detecting hard drives, printers, keyboard, mouse, etc. before Windows starts running.
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Originally Posted by SpermaLopez
Sorry, I'm still a n00b.
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