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Old 2007-11-24, 06:24 PM
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Re: Problems sharing torrents once I've finished downloading

Originally Posted by MonkeyM
Many thanks for the pointers - I think that it may be the too many torrents problem - only trying to be helpfull... I'll try to sort this.

I did just look and saw that 6 of the 10 torrents you are trying to upload on have 0 leechers so you won't be uploading anything at all on those. For me, even uploading to four torrents may be a bit much for my upload speed. My max is 70 KB/s, which means that if the other four torrents have users trying to get shows from me, I am only giving a bit more than 15 KB/s to the torrent. That is pretty slow. So, ideally, I try to just pick 2 or 3 torrents to seed at a time. (I'm not talking about when I am the sole seeder, like when I have uploaded a torrent. If that is the case, that show will be the ONLY show I am seeding.) So, the amount of upload speed you are giving to each torrent is something you should consider when you pick how many torrents to seed at once.
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