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Old 2005-07-03, 10:14 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: New Tracker now Online

Well, a lot of this server load *does* have to do with an increase in traffic. For instance, I think we normally get about 150 new registrations a day, today we have almost 600 and that is with server problems. For the last week, we've been getting around 2700-2800 unique visitors a day, today, the last time I looked it was at almost 4300 (again, a number that was made *with* all the server problems we've had today).

The new tracker *does* access the database, while the other did not. So, I can't rule out an increase in server activity because of the new tracker. However, things were fine here yesterday until we got those Live8 torrents. So, part of me thinks that Live8, and the increase of traffic it generated, has a very large part to play in the problems we are currently having.

And, that is why I'm just watching things right now and not quickly grabbing another Dual Xeon for the site. I'm hoping this will blow over (and I'm really not wanting to shell out the bucks for a bigger server).
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