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Old 2005-12-17, 10:02 AM
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teabaggins teabaggins is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: Ratio Enforcement

why cant we start a trading circle. take the basic idea of a loop, but on a much smaller level. i mean, we bascially all are grabbing the same material, so why not save the bandwidth. it could start w/ a PM or a thread, notifying a group of peers that im interested in these torrents. as a group, each one can dnld a seperate show individually and pass it along to the next. that way when one of us is swamped with dnldin and upldin we wont miss anything one might desire. we can list wat we are dnlding and wat we want to grab. i mean we all dont need to grab the same show, if we are all interested in it. ive been doing this, somewhat, with a trader in here that happens to live close to me. hell ask me if im gonna grab this torrent. he will add the link to the pm. telling me he is currently grabbing this other torrent offering it to me inexchange. every two to three weeks we have traded.
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole
one and prayed for forgiveness.

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