Thread: Jam to this
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Old 2006-10-12, 10:10 AM
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Re: Jam to this

October 12, 2006 (7:50 AM PDT)

Here's another update, and actually some good news. I was able to figure out how to restore the lost attachments from all the ones you guys have been sending me, so we're going to be back in business. It's going to take me probably 2 days or so to get them all restored, but definitely very good news. I've gotten a lot of files, so I'm thinking we won't lose many if any at all when it comes down to it.

I can't thank all of you enough for the support and for taking the time to find torrent files that you got from this site.

Please keep sending me torrent files if you find more to [email protected]. As I get more I'll keep putting them back in as well. I'll update you guys tomorrow where am I on the restore, let you know how it's going. But I think we're on the road to recovery.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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