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Old 2006-12-22, 02:43 PM
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micenzo micenzo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Slovakia
firewalled - portforwarding doesnt help

Hi, I have tried and I have a trouble:

1. there is not my router in the list (I have COREGA FSW - 16A and there is only Corega BARSD or whatever)

2. I tried million times everything - I set up the bittornado which i use, but it all collapses on static ip adress. I do everything (start the command window, get all the addresses and things) but the ip address I get from it dont work (internet works fine, but when I type the static ip adress it shows nothing - no passport wanted, no setup shit... just "CANT find the page window")

can someone help me with it?

Thank you a million tiemes!
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