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Old 2006-10-11, 10:28 AM
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Location: California
Re: Original seeders using Azureus - problems seeding at first?

Originally Posted by A New Face In Hell
Is 2.4 still available???
But afraid i'm not an ezperienced enough seeder to when AZ problems are caused by the client OR me
I'm sure you can still get it. They usually have a whole listing of old releases.

This 'error' I am talking about is a pretty simple one to notice. You upload a show (you have to be the original uploader to have this happen), then you download the new personalized torrent. You can ever verify it's personalized by opening it in a text reader. Then you start the torrent in Azureus. It checks the files, goes into seed mode, but will have an error in the General tab for the torrent saying it is missing a passkey. So, you stop the torrent, delete it from Azureus, and do it all over again. It usually takes me two or three tries to finally not give me that passkey error.

Originally Posted by A New Face In Hell
While we're on AZ here, does anuone know how to avert an error message 'existing data file too large 1386>658:C/ etc'... started seedin somethin last night, all seemed to go fine, then this mornin that was there.... and everythin at a standstill

Appreciate any advice! Cheers!
Googling this error, I get this page:
with this advise:

On some systems you might get a warning like Data missing: On some systems you might get a warning like Data missing: Existing data file length too large [2255>2211] - this is how you fix it:

1. (optional step) make a backup copy of the affected data file(s)
2. Stop the affected torrent
3. go to Azureus > Options > Files
4. enable the Truncate existing files that are too large option
5. click the Save button
6. Force-Recheck the torrent
7. Start it

This should fix it - if not, come to the IRC channel.
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