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Old 2005-08-12, 09:48 AM
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freezer freezer is offline
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Location: in your worst nightmare
Re: Standards for Naming Torrent Folders

Originally Posted by guygee
freezer - I just clicked "buy it now" on one of those old mono radio shack cassette players on ebay, paypalled, and had it fedexed to me. I plan to hold the microphone up to my speakers, and tape "Lite Jazz in the Morning" on the local PBS, day after tomorrow.

The seed will quickly follow.
Wow, as you can seed it to yourself, of course using your own "standards for naming torrent files" -- you should be very happy knowing at least one person followed your suggestions.

Unless you decide to bootleg it and sell it to yourself. With bogus lineage.

Or you could just head over to the lounge and donate money for someone to tape/video U2. Then you can explain to those guys how you'd like them to follow your "standards"......

I'll bet they'll do exactly as you "suggest"........
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