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Old 2005-08-17, 12:38 PM
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pmonk pmonk is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Confusion about generations and masters etc.

What I find funny is that the whole lineage thing is pretty stupid when you think about it.

When you look at the TTD policy forbiding the torrenting of shows where their is a CD-R generation between an "original silver" since as Mr. Freezer pointed out we have no idea where the lineage of the "original silver" is anyway??

I do understand the reason for this (i.e. cuts down on digital errors from bad rips and burns) but if you verify that its an error-free copy it shouldl be fine.

Now - when it comes to the analog world of cassette tapes obviously each generation means a deterioration of the sound (just like when making a xerox copy the copy is not identical of the original and if you make a copy of copy then the quality just gets worse and worse)

So, sound qualty wise a CD-R(3) should sound no different then CD-R(10) as long as ech copy is error free but a 2nd generation tape is going to sound much better then a 7th generation tape!
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