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Old 2005-08-07, 09:13 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: Operating System Cannot be Found

Failure Code: 0x70 - Defective Device
red flag, man!

Drive is toast. Soon, it'll be burnt toast. You've done the right things - now obey the diag msg and get a new drive. Better to get your data off over a net connection to another machine if you can, or see if it'll read enough to burn it.

Best to plan a drive swap than have it catch you off-guard!

You COULD try recovering some bad sectors by doing this:

CMD <enter>

exactly like that, with spaces.

It'll tell you it can't fully access due to being mounted and ask if you want to schedule upon reboot. Say Y (es) and then type EXIT at the prompt to close.

Reboot and let it do its thing. Watch to see how much repair it does and whether it succeeds. It won't keep your drive from dying, but it may fix the sectors enough fpr you to recover data you are having trouble reading.

I found some cheap replacements for you here:

Good luck. Go buy a hard drive!
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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