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Old 2006-11-18, 03:44 AM
4candles 4candles is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Video Rule #8 Clarification

Thanks a lot for the answer - I now understand why you didn't respond to my report for so long.

I still disagree with your rule (TTD should be about optimal quality, and you can use other trackers if you have shows which don't meet the high quality thresholds), but I can understand your desire to share such recordings here.

Could I ask you to consider changing the wording of rule #8? As I mentioned, cost isn't an issue (DVB cards are cheaper than standalone DVD recorders) and I wouldn't want people to get the idea that DVB cards are an expensive solution. Maybe instead you could say that you allow standalone DVD recordings because the use of DVB cards (and similar) isn't yet widespread enough amongst video tapers.

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