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Old 2009-10-29, 09:49 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Re: how to prevent idiots from remastering already mastered shows ?

Originally Posted by cicada View Post
On a related topic (kinda)... how many shows have I grabbed with the dreaded processing called "normalize". I would love to write a "sticky" for all newbies in an effort to stem the tide. However, it has now become an emotionally charged topic for me. LOL!

Every program has this feature sitting there for anyone to use. I mean, shouldn't you have to pass some kind of test first? So many shows that are unlistenable to my ears. The masters may have had some dynamic range, but that just goes out the window 99% of the time. Sorry to whine... really!

I still have a volume control to allow under-recorded sources to be played back comfortably. Those recordings sound just fine before being normalized in almost every case.

Remember - friends don't let friends use "normalize"! Pardon me while I go look for a "praying smilie" to attach (- or maybe a "groveling smilie").
If a recording is normalized properly, you'll never know. Virtually every
compact disc produced has been processed, including normalization. peak
limiting, compression, etc.

Unless the user drives the signal into clipping, the only errors introduced
are from the requantization. Obviously, the better the software, the better
the normalization.

Just turning up the volume when listening to an "under-recorded" source
will also bring up the noise floor in your playback equipment. I find this just
as objectionable......
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