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Old 2006-05-24, 02:13 AM
smr smr is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: San Diego
Re: Passkey Tracker coming on Wednesday....

Some of you are freaking out for nothing.
What you will gain from this is an accurate ratio unlike how it has been before.
The only thing that will change with this is when you upload as you do, now after uploading the .torrent FILE, you then click it to download as if you were going to be the leecher.This is so it registers with the tracker and can then give an accurate ratio on that file/torrent

So if you are just a downloader, you have nothing to worry about.Just do as you always do.
If you are someone who uploads, do as you always do only now after you upload, it wont start seeding until you download the .torrent you just uploaded.Your client will check it, then start seeding.No big deal.Most all trackers use this.

If you have a torrent going right now and know it wont finish while all this goes down, after all this gets put into place, stop your torrent, remove it ( .torrent file only! ) as in delete to trash, then find the post and re-download the new .torrent file.Your client will check it ( takes a minute or two ) and then continue to download.Nothing to orry about.
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