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Old 2005-07-19, 10:18 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Do CDs and CDRs degrade by playing?

I have had problems with skipping on some of my older CD-Rs in my car player (1997), but I've never had problems with the same CD-R in my computer or home stereo. I've also never had problems with store bought CDs at all. Don't forget that CDs are still only 20 (?) years old and burning CDs is only about 10 (?) years old. We just don't have good data on any of this.

I would ask if you've tried cleaning your player, but when you say you play it once and it works and then afterwards it doesn't... well, that is just strange!

Another thing.... I know that if a store bought CD is enhanced (it usuallly says on the back), I am unable to rip it with my regular ripping program. So, you might try using something else.
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On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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