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Old 2005-12-18, 09:09 PM
sadu sadu is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Re: Ratio Enforcement

I agree. It's sometimes hard to stay 1:1 with TTD torrents. It's just not possible with most connections. Having said that...there should be a .5 ratio to keep people honest.

Like chachi and others have said. Mail trade. I took their advice and I'm getting 30 new dvd's a week right now. There's so much out there now. Here, Dime, boot, purlive, yusheek, mininova, how are you going to download all of that? Mail trade and make your life easy.

People will have to be selective and smart about what they grab. It could backfire because of less people on each torrent.

I like the snatchers list too..but unlike other "snackers" list that I have seen, it doesn't show the up/dl. Our list is not 100% fair because someone could jump off early..but have upped 10:1 but it appears like a hit and run. I guess the system will get better with time..not complaining.
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