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Old 2010-07-06, 11:45 PM
Re: worst Trader/Filmer con artist ever send what you owe please! ;( ;): Tripkore

OK LAST POST ON HERE OF ALLTIME DONE COMPLETED OUT. but your e-mail will be accepted when i read it if its good enough all my stuff is top notch and make sure it stays in the best quality good opinion idea for you apperciate somethings thats good keep it in cases if any mess is on it clean it rite off so you may recover it its good to be clean about yourself and serent things if its just complete garbage and is filmed wrong like floor shot because you got too nervous or parnoid of sercurity make it on the best quality CDR possible use your good heads and brains. i've dealt from filmers all over the world even talked to them on the phone they really know i got too many stories then that no lies and games here on my part if you think i'm lieing dont bother judgeing me on here or harassing me thats big time poorsport if you know the defintions of that lol lmao if you dont ha ha ha ha. ok nooooooo need to keep fussin on here anymore only 4real 4 now on YEAH HELLYEA PUMP YOUR DEVIL FISTS IN THE AIR WOOOOOOO. ok anyone good talk to me i'm a very good person if theirs evidence you were good and i see it and no rude talk trying to get me to shoot you something free come on chill get off that bad stuff that making you the scum of the earth. you get that? some old people like parents reading this would be like. what? didnt get it not worth talkin that out to those people. ;( you feel that? ok blah blah blah
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