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Old 2005-03-05, 02:46 PM
Re: Trader's Little Helper

Gotta give this a shot,shntool makes me nuts. It may be a much different sort of code but an ability to quick scan to see if music files are overloaded-clipping,would be a neat feature. Clipped peak issues seem about as common as SBE's and are even more noticable. I can load all the waves into Soundforge and look song by song but I don't want to do that for every disc I burn. Other shows come with very low levels. Generally normalizing individually scans a song for peak and adjusts from that,so t-1 and t-2 may not be at the same loudness but the normalizing will try to make them so,which makes it not useful for live shows. a batch normalizer that could load a disc's worth of songs,find the peak of the whole group and apply equal adjustment woul be a nice trader tool too. Maybe such a prog exists and I missed it. It looks to me like mkw is fading from use,and ape never caught on-takes forever to decode ape on my machine. Before long flac will be the norm with some shn,while the various others will seldom be seen
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