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Old 2009-05-22, 08:31 PM
shmidy shmidy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Re: Recommend a Hard Drive please?

Sorry to shmidy...thats sucks man.
If you don't mind me asking, what is the cost to you for them to recover your data.
(just in case My life is on this device and I don't have the time to burn backups that are also subject to failure via 'rot' even though I always use Ty Yu media.[/quote]

If you have a Seagate drive you should check to see if it needs the firmware upgrade straight away.

That will fix any problem. My drive failed before I knew about the problem, and once it fails Bios will not see it or give you any access to upgrade the FW. I had it 3 weeks and it failed on 7th of january. I have been this long trying to get free restoration. They do provide it, because it is their firmware that causes the issue, but it is very hard to get them to help. They have the drive only a week now, but they have mailed me to say it's been FW upgraded and my data has been restored. Im expecting it back soon. But it has been a very long and drawn out process.
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