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Old 2006-03-07, 01:38 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: help uploading my first show

When you make your torrent (on bittorrent for mac, it says Generate Torrent, I think), at some point it will need an 'announce url'. Our announce url is: Make sure you do NOT add a space before or after that url when you put it into your bittorrent client. If you do, it will give you an error when you try to upload the show. When it asks you what to make the torrent from, make sure you tell it you are doing a Directory, not just Files, and then point it to your Parent Folder that you made in step 2. If will take a few minutes to generate that torrent file.

After you have made the torrent file, what I do is start it in my bittorrent client. You will add it to your bittorrent window, it will ask you where the files are, point it to your Parent Folder and then it will 'verify' your files. It should get to 100% and then give you and error saying the torrent is not on the tracker. That's fine, just hit stop.

Then, go to the Video BT Upload page (under the Torrents drop down in the menu bar). Fill in the requested information, hit the Attachment button on the bottom, select your torrent file, hit Upload Torrent, then close that little window and hit the Upload Thread button on the main page to create the thread with the torrent attached. At that point, you can start your torrent again in your bittorrent window and it should no longer tell you the torrent isn't on the tracker and it will go into seeding mode.
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