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Old 2008-12-09, 06:48 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Should we ban thoughtless leechers?

We actually do have some limits in place. From our FAQ:
"Connection limit exceeded! You may only download/leech x shows at a time"
BitTorrents works by you downloading from one person and then uploading to another. In a perfect world, you would upload just as much as you download (and have a 1.0 ratio). In order to try to achieve this, you really should not be downloading/uploading a whole lot of torrents. This means that it will take you forever to download those shows (and inconvenience the seeders since they have to stay on that torrent so long to finish you off) and it means you aren't going to be uploading much since your bandwidth is taken up with all your downloads. So, we are limiting people to downloading only x shows at a time (while allowing them to still upload on other shows). Please keep in mind that it is best to seed only a few shows at a time to give people a good download rate from you.

Currently, the following is in affect:
  • downloaded less than 10 GB - may only download 4 shows at a time
  • less than 0.50 ratio and downloaded over 10 GB- may only download 3 shows at a time
  • less than 0.60 ratio and downloaded over 10 GB- may only download 4 shows at a time
  • less than 0.70 ratio and downloaded over 10 GB- may only download 5 shows at a time
This is subject to change if we happen to notice people abusing the system. Also, if you register another username just to download more shows, you can be banned from the site.
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