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Old 2008-01-04, 03:13 PM
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GregY GregY is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Trader's Little Helper

Originally Posted by roann View Post
There can be only *one* file association for file type .txt (you know this if you're familiar with the way Windows handles file associations via the registry). Please don't take this as a offence, but I don't give credit to this take over. Why? The installer will *not* associate .txt files with TLH (it never did).
What other extensions TLH had taken over?
Perhaps it's some sort of mixup between Notepad++ and TLH (?). I had previously installed Notepad++ and associated it with .txt, .log, and .ini files. Once I installed TLH, all of these had their default associations switched to TLH. So when I tried to open the change log file, which is a .txt file, through the start menu, it opened via TLH, which of course had no idea what it was.

I don't know if I have time right now to retry this in order to exactly reproduce my steps. I wish I had a VM install of Windows XP to futz with but I don't. If I have time over the next week or so to try to reproduce this and report more specific steps, I will.

The only thing I can confirm is that TLH "steals" the focus from another task you're running while decoding each time a new file is processed. This will be fixed with the next release.
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