Thread: Firewalled?
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Old 2006-02-24, 11:51 AM
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Re: Firewalled?

Well, I'm pretty puzzled over both of these.

Regarding it only giving credit when you are downloading, not just seeding.... I wrote down my ul/dl last night before going to bed. I set Azureus up to seed a show and my stats came out just fine this morning (only an addition to my ul stat, not my dl stat), so this must be something that only happens with some people. So, I guess I'm wondering what bt client is being used. This is going to be a weird one to track down. Any information I can get on it would be useful.

As for the firewall issue, I can't think of why you would get the yellow lights here all the time, but not DIME. We use different trackers, I do know that. Do you get yellow lights all the time at bootcity or metallifukinca or metalbootlegdatabase (we all use the same tracker)?
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