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Old 2006-09-06, 11:02 PM
Re: Firewalled: Again????

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
I hate to keep bringing it up, but you don't have your bt client set up correctly. It has changed ports on you again. You have it set to randomly pick ports. May I suggest changing to uTorrent or Azureus also. The bt client you are using is not talking to the tracker properly (which is why you see yourself listed two or three times on the Peers List). Perhaps switching clients and setting it up correcly will eliminate this problem. Also, you are leeching a *lot* of shows at a time. You aren't going to get good speeds doing that, nor are you going to increase your ratio.

I know but if I enable port mapping I get firewalled-see previous note. When I check box enable I am NOT firewalled even with the port number I have set..confusing.
I may switch to those suggested below and see if I have any better luck. Going to finish downloads though. Any suggestions on what I should use for port numbers for bit-tornado or the other one??
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