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Old 2009-06-18, 10:05 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
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Location: California
Re: healthy seeding and ratios

You may only seed 10 torrents at a time. Any more than that, and the tracker ignores them. You can see which torrents the tracker 'sees' you on in your profile. If the torrent isn't showing up on that list, but you are actively uploading in uTorrent, then you should turn off a torrent that has 0 leechers (a couple in your list have 0 leechers and thus you can't seed to them anyway), and then hopefully the other one will take it's place.

Unless you have a really fast connection, you aren't doing much good seeding that many torrents at a time. I always pick just 2 or 3 to seed at a time and I pick torrents that need me - like ones with no other seeders.
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