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Old 2005-04-14, 09:01 PM
Re: Share ratio per user

I typically get to 1:1 on any torrent I dl from any site.

As I see it, the problem with not having a ratio on TTD is that my overall stats in Azureus don't show how I'm doing with my TTD torrents. Overall in Azureus my dl=108 GB and my ul=160 GB, which is well over 1:1. But, because I know my ratio on another site is 1.78 and that site is a movie site (699 MB to 1 GB+ dls), I think I'm ahead mostly from that site.

For my current session, where I'm dling from, Azureus shows I'm at dl=550 MB and ul=65 MB, much less than 1:1. I'll stay open until I'm 1:1 or until there are no more leachers.

What I'd really like to know is: am I doing right by TDD? If I'm a little low, I'd try to catch up. I do have a few Arcade Fire shows where my shares are 1.33, 2.44, and 5.7, but when I take those out of Azureus where will I be?

I'd like to know my share ratio on TDD just for my own well being. It doesn't have to be used to enforce anything.
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