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Old 2009-08-10, 04:14 PM
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daddaj daddaj is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Re: Unable to seed a show from backup files

I hadn't noticed any seeders on this show until today,
so I tried your suggestion, with a slight modification, and it worked.

I opened the torrent file, and picked MacRoman encoding
Checking stopped again and downloading started around the same point, so I stopped the torrent

A new file had been created in my folder (Pista 06 - It¥s gonna be a beautiful night)
I copied the new filename
then deleted the new file
and pasted the new filename to rename the file in my folder

I did a "Force Re-check" - and it completed this time to 100% and started seeding

I just uploaded almost 100% of the show
(425.30 MB of 426.51 MB)
to one leecher, so I guess it's okay

Next time I get the encoding message, I'll stop and change my filenames to match the fingerprint file
and then start the torrent and pick the encoding type, hoping that it verifies up to 100%
I'll let you know how that goes (if & when this happens again)

Thank you, U2Lynne

i also find the stop at 55% odd, because that's the last song in the torrent - this time it stopped at 57%, still low, unless there is a lot of checking that gets done after finishing the songs
thanks for your help
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