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Old 2009-03-05, 12:05 AM
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Location: California
Re: "Audio BitTorrent Seeding Guide/Policy" Addition Suggestion

I do think it's a good idea to include all 'old' files with a torrent. I don't know that I would encourage users to actually change the text file - some tapers don't like that - so I usually think it's better to copy it and append "updated" or something to the new one and put the old md5s in there along with the new fingerprints/st5s.

The big problem here isn't so much updating the FAQ, but getting users to understand the need to keep all the information about a show with the show. That's really what this is about. Not all users care about all of that and so they trash it or just don't bother to include it thinking no one cares, not realizing that this site *does* care about all the history and lineage behind a show.
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