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Old 2006-09-23, 09:30 PM
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freezer freezer is offline
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Location: in your worst nightmare
Re: What kind of a thread is that?

Originally Posted by Borlag
Based on what's being said on that thread in the last couple of pages, it doesn't even seem to be about lineage anymore, if that's what it was about in the first place.

Anyway, the error on my site is now fixed. The way I see it, if I download something where the lineage is said to be something, that's what I'll write down unless the taper of the said show says otherwise.
Well, I did post the correction in the thread where you picked up that recording, but the seeder refused to acknowledge that he was wrong. So you get a version that came from an unverifiable boot, and you get to thank that seeder for an incomplete boot on your list.

And Dad does have a large amount of seeders who are quite happy calling bootlegs "masters" whether they know correct lineage or not...or care if they share incorrect least that's been my experience, watching some of my masters shared here that later turn up elsewhere.

And yes, "that" thread has gotten way out of hand, but if you notice, the thread was recently invaded by DaD regulars who are trolling and trying to pump out as much disgusting content to get it shut down, so they can get their own petty way. More than one of these new invaders don't share, they never taped, and they're only here to troll.

"That" thread looks like what a Led Zeppelin thread at DaD used to look like before these trolls arrived at TTD.

Go over to DaD and look at a handful of older Led Zeppelin threads.

Try this link for a start...

The newer LZ threads at DaD are not like those older threads there since the DaD LZ trolls are over at TTD now in "that" thread.

Last edited by freezer; 2006-09-23 at 09:36 PM.