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Old 2005-08-10, 11:29 AM
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jcrab66 jcrab66 is offline
We all walk the Long Road....
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Re: Standards for Naming Torrent Folders

Originally Posted by guygee
I'm not going to argue your point, but not all of us have a lot of free time, we have careers, family, plus not a lot of good bands make it out to Melbourne FL near where I live.
i would have to call bullshit on this stupidity. A. I have a career B. I have a family C. I live someplace far more removed from anyplace bands frequently roll through yet still manage to tape an average of 4 shows a month. Melbourne is not far from Orlando where just about everyone rolls through and if they dont play there go another hour over to Tampa and they will be there. It doesnt take all that much money, which shouldnt be much of a problem anyway for a "career" man such as yourself. As freezer said you could always do some FM's from the comfort of your happy little home while sitting around the table with the family or better yet you could take a few extra minutes to send an email to some jocks at the radio station and see if you cant get a Pre FM copy of the show. Do i really need to remind you of the old "excuses are like assholes" saying?
If you want to see a damn good live show check out THIS band.
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