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Old 2017-08-03, 05:33 PM
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TTDaddy TTDaddy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Re: FLAC fingerprint md5 mismatch - looking for some help

I've been corresponding with the seeder/uploader, and he has been remarkably cool with my questioning. I'm going to share what he wrote to me. I'm not using his name so I don't feel like I'm betraying a confidence; as the files decode successfully (albeit with the md5 mismatch error message), I'm going to stop bothering him about this issue. Now I'm just trying to understand what's up, as it does not appear that he's doing anything to the FLACs after creating them. He wrote:

"Well, maybe all this time I've been doing something wrong, I don't know? I've been taking my original master cassettes and loading them into my Tascam deck that is connected to my PC and recording the audio in raw .WAV format via WavePad. I then use the split functionality to break into tracks and save them as individual FLAC files at 16 bit 96kHz sample rate. Once the files have been compiled I use TLH to create the MD5 and ffp checksums (pass every time) and the torrent file. I've posted other artists on other trackers and never had anyone mention there is an issue. Am I not doing something right?"

Two things:
1 - I am apparently the only person experiencing this issue, which worries me.
2 - Is it possible that the files being 16/96 is making TLH choke on them? Note that when I use TLH to check for SBEs, it returns the message "information about audio data is not available" for each track.
I'm truly at sea here so any ideas or advice are welcome. Thanks for putting up with my pedantic nature!
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