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Old 2013-09-28, 01:10 PM
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

Originally Posted by JackDog View Post
Is that the same guy? Because I was under the impression that English wasn't his first language so I assumed that he was from Europe.
For what it's worth, I was told that one his parents was a citizen of the UK, from where he is from originally, and that English is his first language (allegedly).

That said, as a recovering English professor, I can attest to the fact that a lack of fluency in one's native language is not unusual. However, just because one has all but the total inability to manipulate her or his native tongue in the written form does not mean that it ought not to be a source of shame.

Even if it were the only task to have been delegated, the person who operates HC should have allowed one of the volunteer staff members access to the site to proofread its content so that it looked as if its owner had at least graduated from primary school.

I try really hard not to nitpick grammar here in the intertubes (and it could be possible that he is dyslexic or has a kindred learning disability, which is no laughing matter), but, really, if one's grammar is that bad — for whatever reason — one needs to outsource.

My rather modest fee (Hi, ShaReeF! ) is only $80 per hour.

Last edited by Bugs; 2013-09-28 at 01:11 PM. Reason: I did not originally spell a certain someone's name with its creative capital lettering!
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