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Old 2007-09-25, 10:27 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: I need help finding a port (

In your router, you need to forward a port for your local static IP - the one that looks like . That is a IP that you assign to your computer. You may set your router to assign that IP dynamically, in which case it would be different everytime you start your computer. It you get a different IP everytime you start your computer, then the port in your router will no longer be forwarded to your computer since your IP is different. (Did that make sense?)

So, check to make sure your IP is STATIC, meaning it won't change everytime you start up your computer, and then make sure that is the IP the port is forwarded to. Also, make sure your bittorrent client is always using the same port and isn't picking a random port.
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