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Old 2007-04-02, 09:09 PM
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Re: DHT: Should it be enabled or not?

Originally Posted by saltman
torrents aren't created locally. They are only created once. The creation of the .torrent file establishes the tracker, files, etc. At that point you can enable or disable DHT.
O.K., that answers my question. I have created & seeded a torrent here at TTD while back, but don't recall fiddling with DHT options at all while doing so. I was primarily worried that specific torrents that I had downloaded with DHT enabled would continue to keep the DHT enabled, even though the torrent program now has it turned off--and continue to make my ratio crap even when it seemed I was seeding to other TTD members.

I have a feeling a may have borked my ratio here, and other sites, since I've had DHT enabled since switching over to uTorrent from BT--and even though I've done some serious seeding, my ratio didn't improve.

Anyhow, I think this answers all my questions about it. I am concerned that installation/setup FAQs may not make this issue clear to the newbie, but perhaps if they do searches they'll find this thread.
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