Thread: bandwith
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Old 2005-10-18, 10:12 AM
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TheMamba TheMamba is offline
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Location: South Florida
Re: bandwith

1. Generally, yes. It will fluctuate depending on the number of seeders & leaches and of those, how many are firewalled. Then of course, what your max speed is.
2. Does what effect the other leachers? 8-speed??????
3. Again, depends on your download and upload speeds. If you do too many at once, they will all be slow and it will take you forever to upload as much as you download. I try to do 2-3 at once as my maximum.
4. It will slow down anything else that accesses the internet.
5. Logged on to what? XP? If you're talking about XP, then yes, you have to say logged into XP. The computer can go to screen saver...
6. Your connection should stay active.
7. Dont' have azureus right now, so I can't say.
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Originally Posted by SpermaLopez
Sorry, I'm still a n00b.
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