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Old 2005-11-21, 10:49 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Need a faster internet??

Originally Posted by mgwfall
The dl & ul speeds, are they bits or bytes, coz the abbreviation for both appears to be kbps, maybe with a different letter in capital.

I have (I think) a 256kbps modem, (at most a 512kbps) which, when I haven't been slowed to 64kbps because I've gone over my monthly limit (& I have a very stingy isp - but had no choice where I live when I signed up) can dl at rates, if the torrent is flying, at well over a 100kbps. When I get slowed, the most it can do is 8kbps.

My isp is tellling me that the dls are bytes & the modem spped is described in bits, therefore 8=64. That should mean that the highest rate I could dl would be 32 (or 64 if my modem is 512) when at full speed. This is clearly not the case.

Can anyone explain this to me & hopefully give me some technobabble to talk back to my isp?
One thing to note here is that for some users, your allowable upload speed is different (lower) than your allowable download speed. I can upload at speeds of 52 kbps, but can download at over 300 kbps (in bytes, not bits, as Colin talks about above).
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