Thread: MMM Records
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Old 2005-08-21, 12:18 AM
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Location: California
Re: MMM Records

Originally Posted by freezer
Lynne, of course you might consider letting this poor bootlegger know how and where he can get better quality material for free. We don't want them dirty ol' mp3 bootlegs to get confused with "good" boots with 'real lineage' - do we, hmmmm?

Especially since those "original silver" boots can last over 100 years.

I'll be sure to email him tomorrow, freezer. I wouldn't want this guy to continue to spead mp3 sourced bootlegs!

Freezer, I have to say that the reason I enjoy you so much is because you really *do* make sense. However, you are talking about a life without internet sometimes. We have to deal with reality now, and internet and bittorrent are what is real right now. So, these bootleggers exist.... bt exists..... ebay exists..... tapers exist..... traders exist..... it's all about trying to figure out how to deal with all these real things right now. I don't think there is a right answer. And if there were a right answer, it would require everyone agreeing and doing the same thing. I think we know that isn't going to happen. So, most sites try their best to deal with the reality in the best way possible. Right now, our way is to try to liberate bootlegged shows and get them out to people so people don't need to buy them. And, we also want to give tapers a way to get shows out to the masses so bootleggers lose. I think, at the moment, perhaps neither side is really winning. So, we keep trying.

If you have a better idea that could really work, spell it out.
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