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Old 2013-09-24, 09:14 PM
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marksg marksg is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

We recently updated at Planet Rock, couple burps all sorted out. It's never good when a site has one owner who controls all and reveals little or nothing. It breeds speculation and it's just not right to keep your staff in the dark. They are the frontline and bear the brunt of the questions. "I don't know" is the worst possible response to a business customer, and donators have a right to know their $ goes where it's purported to.
As Nutz and LGT and Kixdude are friends and good people, when they throw up a red flag, I gotta believe somethings not kosher. It sure seems like HC's host service fees are WAY out of line. I'd like to see proof and an explanation.

And Daddyray, be more specific please. As in searching Forums? Posts? Torrents? Our layout is pretty similar to this one, same forum app [Vbulletin] just a newer version. I've never received this complaint so I'm curious to know what your issue is.
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