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Old 2007-01-27, 03:48 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Re: md5 / text file database?

yeah, i want to have all those files accesable so when you don't recieve them in a trade or vine, you can get them easily. i want the md5s so i can check and make sure the copy i have is the same as the original, no matter how many hands it's been though. as far as md5's you could just list the fingerprint and people could make their own md5 from it, but at least you'd know you have a good copy. as far as the text file, it's nice to be able to go back and have all the info on hand for making inserts, etc... and also to maintain quality control by keeping track of sources, lineage, etc... similar to etree with cd's. and with that as well, you could have it in html and people could just copy and paste it in a text file, but the actual text files are tiny files to begin with.
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