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Old 2006-06-14, 04:00 PM
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xequence xequence is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canada
Re: Does poor ratio equate bad trader?

Just like it is not possible for everyone to have a ratio of 1.0 or higher (as you stated in another post), it is not possible for everyone to have a ratio of 0.3 or any other number below 1.0
If everyone tried for a ratio of 1 or higher, it would be hard for that to happen. But I think we all aggree that there is no shortage of people downloading things that need someone to upload to them. That comes from the fact there are alot of leechers out there. I know not all will stop leeching, but there is plenty of uploading to do that any of those leechers could do.

And no, the guy who uploaded 500GB is not hurting the community by taking away uploading from others.
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