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Old 2006-06-14, 01:15 PM
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Re: BAD trader, Liar= Ragu420 Ragu421 whatever

Originally Posted by Silver Stallion DVDs
Conversely, if you're share ratio is over 1:1 you are making it impossible for someone out there to have a ratio above 1:1. And since you've uploaded 560 gigs more than you've downloaded - that's 560 gigs that someone else couldn't upload - because you hogged the upload pipe.

You are literally responsible for several dozen sub 1:1 SRs here at TTD.
gotta disagree w/ that one in that same boat as chachi. Notice i dont download anything. I acquire everything thru the mail and download a show once in awhile over at Dime, but all of my Uploaded gigs have come from me seeding shows here. In order for everyone else to get it, someone's gotta upload it first, correct? Granted, i have stayed on a few torrents when i left for the weekend, but...

IMO, the two have nothing to do with each other as far as a gaurantee of the type of person you're dealing with. I've traded with a couple peeps on here with bad ratio's and the trade went off without a hitch...
One's ratio or internet sharing ability has nothing to do with who or how they are as a snail mail trader. (though it seems the peeps that have bad ratings or are accused of ripping someone off in a snailmail, have poor ratios).

The only thing i've noticed and bothers me about the 'raito'...the people who dont grasp the concept "you cant download everything" (it appears from mild observation, the people that are capped at 10-15 kbs are the ones who hop on every single torrent that gets seeded) Alot of us are already paying taxes for the USPS, utilize them, they're cheap. In the time it takes me to download 1 dvd, i can burn 10...economics and time maximization bitches

Last edited by retired; 2006-06-14 at 01:20 PM.
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