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Old 2014-09-10, 09:36 PM
cpferris cpferris is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: South Bend, IN
Any sites where I could host my live shows?

So I was huge into trading in the mid 90s through early 2000's and accumulated thousands of shows.

I was trying to find a place where I could upload complete shows to playlists and share the links with friends for streaming. For awhile I was using soundcloud which worked well, but they cracked down on all content that wasn't "created" by the user.

Are there any other sites that I should consider that provide similar functionality? I did internet radio back in the day and that works, but I was looking for something more "on demand".

I don't mind paying for a service, but I would like to find one that isn't as rigid as soundcloud. This would be streaming only, no downloads.

Anyone have any ideas? I just want to share the music with like minded music junkies that aren't into trading.
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