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Old 2006-02-28, 01:44 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Seeding but no seed listed

The two most common mistakes made that result in you never hitting 100% as a seeder are:
1) You had one (or more) of your torrent files open when you made the .torrent file. The most common file to have open is the text file. So, make sure none of your files (text, md5, flac, jpegs) are open in any application when you make your .torrent
2) You changed one of the torrent files after you made your .torrent file. Once again, the most common file to be modified is the text file. People make the .torrent file then notice something wrong with the text file, they change it, and save it and now your files are different than what the .torrent file is telling the tracker they should look like.

So, close all your files, make a new torrent file and upload the torrent/thread to the tracker once again. Then, go back to your original post, post a link to the new torrent telling people they should hop onto the new one, then hit the Report this Post button,, and tell us to remove the old, broken torrent.
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