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Old 2017-04-22, 10:41 AM
rdijohn rdijohn is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Flac Files - Organizing and Playback

I confess to using iTunes for my music library for the convenience it offers. For example, I can load up my 160GB iPod with tons of music to listen to in my car.

I get the whole "Flac is better than mp3" concept, but how do I migrate to something comparably convenient and with comparable storage space?

To be clear, should I head now in the Flac direction:
(a) what music program should I use to organize the flac files (it sure won't be iTunes, will it?)
(b) what portable flac player offers me the most storage so I can transfer from my laptop to the portable for playback in my car? Neil Young's Pono music player is all this dummy knows about.

thanks for your suggestions!
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