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Old 2005-02-16, 04:47 PM
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katnapz katnapz is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: RIP Music Lounge? aka What's the Site Announcement Forum For?

Well,...I never said in my original post whether I thought the Music Lounge should come back. Ok, my personal opinion is that it should, and that the Mods should move any musical related disscussion in the General Forum over.....(the only way to properly train a bad dog is with a newspaper over the nose as far as I'm concerned...and if that doesnt' work a shotgun with rocksalt does the job). If people want to complain about a thread being moved then so be it and they can leave, but if your users aren't trained/educated properly then what use is having seperate forums? Sure GENERIC covers a lot of ground, but if there's a proper forum for a thread I say a Mod should move it. I'm sure this opinion doesn't make me popular with Lynne and the others as it's a ton of extra work....initially...but as people get used to it they tend to police themselves. I'm a usegroup junkie and I see it work all the time...

The points/suggestions I brought up that I'd actually like to hear back on are:
-Why wasn't the fact brought up in this forum that the Music Lounge was being deleted? That's what this forum is for....if the matter had been posted here, and then maybe a short discussion then perhaps some points would've been raised by people who read this forum.....and also then a person wouldn't wonder what the heck happened without wading through all the "stuff" in the General Forum.

-What about my suggestion that a thread creator could opt to have a post appear in more than one forum (and any follow-up posts)? Then if someone was worried that their posts may not get the proper attention, they can always "opt in" the General Forum. I have nooo clue how the programing on this site works so maybe it's a bit NO, but it's a suggestion.
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