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Old 2011-11-29, 05:15 AM
kathmustdie kathmustdie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
SHN -> FLAC , conversion help

I am keen on having my Phish shn's converted to FLAC. Seems like a daunting task but it is well worth it i feel , instead of having to look at the txt file for the song names etc

here are some of my problems:

i followed the guide to foobar SHN -> FLAC conversion and successfully converted my SHN to FLAC with bit veification (with no errors). Now the original SHN files came with a MD5 hash file , and when i convert the new flac files back to SHN and see if the original SHN MD5 gets verified via TLH , they fail.

My question is : Is it normal/okay for the Original SHN MD5 to fail when converting from Original SHN -> FLAC -> SHN?

i use foobar to convert to flac and verify with TLH

Help would be appreciated!

Also , when i generate a ST5 Checksum of the original SHN files , it remains constant across different formats!
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