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Old 2008-12-14, 03:57 PM
garth garth is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
My Apology to you all including Chris

I must apologize for making my statement about Chris. Guess my understanding of a bad trader is different from other peoples. I think when someone I sent a list/email to that doesn't answer is not interested. But at the same time if they don't respond to say no thanks and telling me why, that is being rude. And I find them unreliable. Sorry about that folks. LIke I said before I am a good trader. We and Chris just had a little misunderstanding of the term bad trader. I am confirming that Chris never did a trade with me and he never sent me any cds/dvds. Just to clear that up. I was upset as I sent many emails and he never answered. I also get emails in my spam box which sometimes I just delete without looking. I get too much spam from Africa. But now I will always check the spam box too. We are friends now. Merry Christmas everyone! Sorry for being a ass on this board.
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