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Old 2008-05-28, 06:50 AM
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AAR.oner AAR.oner is offline
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Originally Posted by Karst View Post
Are you serious? WTF! What does he have to do to get shoved off?
he's been banned, however banning someones account isn't always that easy...i won't go into specifics, but suffice it to say, its not hard to get banned from a public forum and re-join under different pretenses...imo, banning is just a false comfort, cuz he/she will most likely be back under a "new" identity [if they aren't already]


but this brings up a point i can't seem to understand

why are a bunch of people setting up large trades with someone who contacted them, and then sending out first?!?!?!?!

i get contacted all the time for trades from strangers, and my response is always the same --
NO i won't trade 10 or 20 discs the first time around
NO i won't send out anything, hell i won't even burn anything, until i've received the shows from their end

think about it--if someone contacts you & only wants to set up a 20 show trade, but is not willing to do a small trade first, that should be a red flag that somethings a bit shady...and as for sending discs out, anyone who's been trading more than a year or two should know -- you contact me first, you send first

anyone who is honest &/or has been trading for any length of time will have no problems with the above stipulations, cuz its common trading practices...if they get all defensive or excitable or aggressive - cut the trade then & there [99% of the time that's an indicator there will be problem]...and do a bit of googling on the person if yer trading for the first'd be surprised what an email addy and a name/town/country can turn up

hopefully the above will help some of you noobs avoid getting burned by rip off bootlegger for you seasoned traders who got jacked by this guy - you shoulda known better
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