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Old 2005-05-04, 11:23 AM
jsgksu jsgksu is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Re: Yellow Light for Months on All Torrents, Help Please

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
OK, it sounds like this is the problem.

If you have the router set up to give you a dynamic IP, then you can end up with a local IP of or or, etc when you restart the computer. However, in your router, you are only forwarding the ports for So, if you don't end up with that local IP when you restart your machine, then the ports are not forwarded for it.

Take a look at this page and see if it helps you set this up correctly.
Well, my ip address is normally or 102 or 103. Anyway, everytime I restart my computer, if Im going to dl a torrent I check my IP and change the settings on my router accordingly. So anytime Im going to dl a torrent my IP and the IP on my router settings are always the same. So this isnt the problem. As Ive stated, I havent gotten a green light since the day I reformatted my computer (3 months ago), if this was the problem, I wouldn have gotten a green light at some point in time.
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